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Red Carpet Programme - How to enroll

On this page, you can find the necessary information re. Visa for business visits to Denmark

Warning: Please note that the Royal Danish Embassy only cooperates with VFS Global and no other agents or travel agencies.

How to apply:

You must fill in your visa application and pay the application fee online using 

After you have applied and paid the visa fee online at, you must print the cover letter from ApplyVisa and hand in supporting documents at the Visa Application Centre.

You can see a list of application centers here:

Where to apply:

Applications for business visas are to be submitted through VFS Global

For an appointment to hand in your application for a business visas, please contact VFS Global to schedule an appointment:




Please note that all applicants, including young children, must appear in person. The Embassy must receive the official signed invitation letter beforehand.


If the application form is not duly completed, and/or if the requested documentation is lacking, the application will be rejected, and the applicant has to come back another day.


Posted, mailed or faxed applications are not accepted.


For questions and queries:

Helpline: +98 (21) 2675 1377



When to apply:
An application should in principle be lodged at least 15 working days before the intended visit and cannot be lodged earlier than six months before the start of the intended visit. It is the applicant's own responsibility to take the necessary precautions in relation to the processing time, deadlines, etc.

Visa application:
Applicants with official passports (diplomatic passports or service passports) apply for their visas via the Iranian Foreign Ministry. Holders of ordinary passports must apply in person.


When applying for business visa, the inviting Danish company should send an invitation to with the e-mail of the applicant in the cc-field. The Embassy will then inform the applicant whether to hand in the application to the above-mentioned VFS Visa Application Center or whether to hand it in to the Embassy directly.

The applicant or a messenger bringing a valid passport and a copy of the invitation sent to the Embassy may collect the application form from the Embassy during the opening hours Monday through Thursday from 9-12. Alternatively a visa application form may be downloaded here. A downloaded application form does not exempt the applicant from prior appointment of interview. On the day of the interview, the applicant must come in person with the application form and the required documents (see below). If the applicant does not show up on the appointed date and time or is late, the appointment will automatically be cancelled and postponed to a later date. If the application form is not duly completed, and/or if the requested documentation is lacking, the application will be rejected, and the interview will be postponed till the next available appointment. Posted or mailed applications are not accepted.

Appointment for interview: The applicant should contact the Embassy by phone only during the hours stated below. Normally the Embassy does not contact the applicants.

The opening hours for the visa section of the Danish Embassy in Tehran are:

  • Monday through Thursday from 09:00 - 12:00.
  • Phone hours for the visa section are Monday through Wednesday from 13:00 - 15:00.
  • Closed on some Danish and Iranian public holidays.

Address: No. 10 Dashti St., Hedayat St., Near Sadr Bridge, Dr. Shariati Ave., Tehran 1914861144
Tel: (021) 2815 5001
Fax: (021) 2264 0007

Required documents: 

• 1 short stay application form, fully completed in typing and signed by the applicant, with 1 recent colour photo (35x45 mm, close up, straight on)
• Original passport, valid at least 1 year, with a photocopy of the identity pages and original previous visas, if any, with a photocopy (passport must NOT be changed between application and visa issue)
• Invitation letter from your business partner in Denmark e-mailed or faxed direct to the
Embassy containing information pertaining to visit such as:

    • Name of Iranian company
    • Relationship with Danish company
    • Purpose of visit
    • Intended duration of stay (number of entries, days, period of validity)
    • Coverage of cost (hotel, subsistence)

• Applicant’s fingerprints and photo

• Bank statements for the last 3 months.
• Original ID booklet with a photocopy of all pages (shenasnameh).


Applicants need to appear in person for the collection of the biometric data: ten fingerprints and a photograph are collected from persons applying for a visa. Before the recording of the photo applicants may be asked to remove glasses or adjust head coverings if they hide facial features. Certain categories of applicants are exempt from the requirement to give fingerprints, including:

• Children under the age of 12
• Persons for whom fingerprinting is physically impossible.
• Heads of State and members of national governments, and members of their official delegations when invited for an official purpose.

The introduction of biometric data is part of the Schengen Visa Information System(VIS). For more information about VIS, fingerprints, data protection and legal background, please see Visa Information System (VIS)

For business owners:
• Official introduction letter in English duly signed by the executive from the Iranian company (with address, telephone, fax, e-mail, employment date, position, purpose of trip, duration of stay, guarantee of coverage of cost (hotel, subsistence), and a written statement to the fact that the company guarantees the return of the applicant to Iran
• Original national Gazette notifying establishment and latest amendments with copy, translated into English on request
• Original valid commercial card (ICCIM) with colour copy
• Original valid employment/student ID card with colour copy
• Documentation of substantial business relationship with Danish company in English such as: contractual agreement (translated into English), customs clearance documentation for previous consignment on request

For employees:
• Official introduction letter duly signed from the Iranian company or organisation (including address, telephone, fax, e-mail, employment position of the applicant, purpose of the trip, duration of trip, and guarantee of return of applicant to Iran) in English or with official translation into English.
• Employment contract (translated into English).
• Original official payroll stamped by the company (list-e-bimeh of the past two months) with copies.
• Pay slips of the past two months with copies.
• Original valid employment/student ID card with copy.

All above-mentioned documents must be presented in original.

All translations must be formal translations bearing the stamp and signature of the relevant translator's office, Judiciary as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Additional documents, requirements:
The Embassy may request additional documents or information. All applicants are required to be present for an interview. All additional documents should be either in English or Danish.
Presentation of the above-mentioned documents does not guarantee the applicant a visa. It is not advisable to buy a ticket before the visa is granted.

The application will subsequently be released into the obligatory Schengen-consultation lasting approx. 8-10 days. The Embassy has no influence on the Schengen-consultation. Invitations should be issued at earliest convenience and sent by e-mail to the Embassy with a copy to the applicant. Applicants must contact VFS Global immediately upon receipt of invitation due to the queue for interview and the subsequent Schengen-consultation.

Information about fees can be found at the following link:

The paid fees are non-refundable, even if the application is not approved.

At the time of issuance of visa, the applicant may be required to submit a valid return ticket with a colour copy.

Hotel booking:
At the time of issuance of visa, the applicant may be required to submit a hotel booking for the entire stay in the Schengen area. 

Travel Medical Insurance:
By visa issuance the applicant must submit a Travel Medical Insurance with a colour copy valid for the Schengen area and Lichtenstein and covering the entire stay. The applicant must present the original policy with a copy. The insurance policy must have a minimum coverage of EUR 30.000 and must cover: Repatriation for medical reasons, urgent medical care, urgent treatment in hospital and in case of death, repatriation of the corpse.

Iranian Travel Medical Insurance companies which have permission to issues travel medical insurances for Schengen areas.

The company should be affiliated with an insurance company in a Schengen member state.

The original insurance policy must be presented at the port of entry. Lack of a valid Travel Medical Insurance Policy upon arrival may lead to rejection at the border.